
According to the UE Agenda regarding strategic partnership, a priority will be related to updating and developing digital learning materials and tools, in particular Open Educational Resources, open textbooks, and Open Source Educational Software, as well as supporting the effective use of digital technologies in education and training.
Following this trend, the project’s main objective is to promote innovative teaching methods in the field of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies and technological entrepreneurship in order to prepare graduates who want to become entrepreneurs to rapidly transfer the technological and scientific results of their research done at the university directly to their own company. While the creation of graduate start-ups is therefore a desirable outcome, among others, it should not be forgotten that entrepreneurship is also about successfully managing innovation and growth.
Thus, the project promotes among the students of the technical universities the entrepreneurial thinking, in general, and the AM technological entrepreneurship, especially through various specific innovative methods: the development of an Open Interactive Platform for the support of project based learning during internships developed by the students within they develop new product development projects that respond to clearly expressed needs in the market, workshops with industry representatives and successful entrepreneurs, the presentation and analysis of success stories and the support of lectures on professional communication and critical thinking within summer schools.