13th – 15th May 2021
University ”Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu,
Faculty of Engineering, Sibiu, Romania
Leading organisation: University ”Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu,
Faculty of Engineering, Sibiu, Romania
Participating Organisations: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Lancaster University, United Kingdom of Great Britain
Activity type: SP-HE-SHORT – Short-term joint staff training event
The fourth training activity implemented through the TecHUB 4.0 Erasmus+ project is a short-term joint staff training event which was organised at University ”Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu (ULBS) in Romania and held online at https://meet.google.com/sow-sqos-huc. The Google platform was chosen due to its ability to allow gatherings of 30 – 50 people without requiring login and registration with specific accounts. This was preferred due to the large number of industry representative which were invited to the event. Two staff members from POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (UPB) participated at the event for three days, between 13th and 15th of May 2021. One staff member from Czestochowa University of Technology (PCZ) in Poland also attended C4. The three-day training event, which was implemented as an interactive workshop on Smart Manufacturing, reunited a total of 36 people, including partner team members. The project financed the participation of three members (2 from UPB and 1 from PCZ), the participation of all others was financed by the partner universities. The invited participants were chosen to represent specific interested stakeholders (OS1, OS3): full academic member staff, researchers, undergraduate, masters’ and PhD students and SME representatives. Three trainers from ULBS facilitated the implementation of all activities within C4 event contributing to both, the body of knowledge, and to the smooth online organisation of the event. This learning activity was structured as a Workshop on Smart Manufacturing, focusing on: real-life scenarios from the targeted IOs (O4, O5, O6, O7); applying and testing smart product case studies and projects, developed around the content of the intellectual outputs; presenting and analysing best-practice examples in relation to the project results. The Open Interactive Platform (Output 7) was used throughout the entire training activity to facilitate the learning and training process, as well as improving the platform through real-time feedback. A detailed agenda of the three-day C4 event is presented below.