The 1st Multiplier Event
7th June 2019, Amphitheatre CD 008, IMST Faculty
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Technology Transfer (UPB)
Main speakers:
Prof. Cristian Doicin1, Prof. Liviu Roșca2, Lect. Mihaela Ulmeanu1,
Asist. Roman Murzac1, Eng. Ene Gabriela1
2“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania
The purpose of this multiplier event is to describe and popularize the TecHUB 4.0 European Project to national and international partners of the host organizing institution, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. Forty national participants and three international participants are expected to join the dissemination event. The target audience is comprised of academics, researchers, professionals, national authorities representatives and students. It covers two intellectual outputs: O1 -Comprehensive study on technology transfer in the additive manufacturing industrial environment through technology entrepreneurship education methods; O7 – Open interactive platform for creating and developing an Entrepreneurship Hub, by Transferring Research and Innovation in the industrial environment.
O1 - Comprehensive study on technology transfer in the additive manufacturing industrial environment through technology entrepreneurship education methods;
O7 - Open interactive platform for creating and developing an Entrepreneurship Hub, by Transferring Research and Innovation in the industrial environment.
Find out more about the outputs developed throughout the TecHUB 4.0 here.
Please take five minutes to give us a feedback on the implementation of E1 multiplier event, by accessing the link below: