The 7th Multiplier Event
26th August 2021, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Open Interactive Platform - Entrepreneurship Hub (UPB)
Main Speakers:
Prof. Cristian DOICIN
Assoc. Prof. Mihaela ULMEANU,
Asist. Prof. Roman MURZAC,
PhD Eng. Alexandru BEJENARU,
Assist. Prof. Gabriela PÂRVU
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Liviu-Ion ROȘCA, Assist. Prof. Nicolae ROȘCA
University ”Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania
Eng. Tom ABRAM
Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Prof. Tomasz Nitkiewicz, Assoc. Prof. Paula BAJDOR
Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland
E7 was organised as a multiplier event on Open Interactive Platform as an Entrepreneurship Hub, by POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (UPB) on the 26th of August 2021. The event was previously scheduled to be held in October 2020 physically, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak and international lockdown restrictions was rescheduled online in 2021. Over 800 invitations were sent out to a variety of stakeholders for the E6 event, out of which 608 registrations were confirmed by possible participants. The total number of participants was 459, divided as follows: 423 national participants (46 funded from project budget); 20 international participants; 16 participants from the consortium partners (3 LU, 10 UPB, 1CUT, 2ULBS). The participants were from the main stakeholders’ groups as follows: industry experts (RO, UK); researchers (RO, UK, GER); academia representatives and educators from primary, secondary and tertiary education (RO, UK, Rep. of Moldova); representatives of territorial administrative units (town hall, county resource centre and educational assistance, school inspectorate etc.), undergraduate, masters’ and PhD students (Romania), and consortium partners’ staff (RO, UK, POL). E6 was organised online with a live presentation streamlined from the premises of the project coordinator UPB. In order to facilitate the proper organisation of the event, a 3-week subscription was purchased for a custom online platform for conference type events with up to 500 participants. The amplitude of the event required special preparation in terms of organisation of the online live event. Test were carried out prior to the event, in order to set up a secure network and stable online environment for all participants. The event focused on covering all developed intellectual outputs (O1 – O7) which were available on the OIP, website of the project and for download at registration as a full event package.
O1 - Comprehensive study on technology transfer in the additive manufacturing industrial environment through technology entrepreneurship education methods;
O2 - Business Plan Road-map for the future engineer as an entrepreneur;
O3 - Curriculum Workbook for Intensive Summer Training Course – Technology Entrepreneurial thinking for bridging the gap between Education, Technology Research and the Business environment;
O4 - 3D Printing Guide for Successful Business Development.
O5 - Training program and Open e-learning content for transferring research and innovation into the industrial environment through entrepreneurship education.
O6 - Open Multimedia Handbook for project based learning of technology entrepreneurship for HE students and SME trainees.
O7 - Open interactive platform for creating and developing a Technology Entrepreneurship Hub, by Transferring Research and Innovation in the industrial environment
Find out more about the outputs developed throughout the TecHUB 4.0 here.
Please take five minutes to give us a feedback on the implementation of E7 multiplier event, by accessing the link below: