According to the discussions during the 1st transnational project meeting in Bucharest on the 14th of December 2018, the 1st Intensive summer school will contain some of the following topics:
- Product Development
- Additive Manufacturing
- Computer Aided Design
- Assisted Manufacturing
- Entrepreneurship
A preliminary programme is presented below.
Day 1: |
- Registration and receival of all 100 participants (1h);
- Introduction and presentation of project aim, outputs and summer school agenda (2h);
- Campus visits to UPB AM research Centres (1h);
- Workshop on AM technologies - interactive presentation of technologies, case study development, 3D printing of a product using FDM technology (2h);
- Seminar on Product Design and Development (2h).
Day 2: |
- Invited lecture and workshop on Smart system integration and marketing solutions (3 h);
- Case study on Digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0 (2h);
- Project development on Entrepreneurial Best Practices (3h).
Day 3: |
- Laboratory on Computer Aided Design and best software option for 3D printing applications (4h);
- Workshop on Financial Modelling and Management in an AM SME - cost opportunities and added value (4h).
Day 4: |
- Workshop on 3D printing for Business applications (4h);
- Seminar on Opportunity recognition and IP & Legal Issues in a new AM focused venture (2h);
- Project development on Market research, marketing and sales (2h).
Day 5: |
- Project based learning workshop on Product Design and Development using three AM technologies (Fused Deposition Modelling, Binder Jetting and Direct Light Processing): Assessment on technology differences, advantages and disadvantages;
- Selecting the most appropriate AM technology for a given product function;
- Designing and modelling of a Product Concept;
- Generating the STL and G-Code for prototyping;
- Manufacturing a prototype using one of the identified additive technologies (8h).
Day 6: |
- Case study on how to write a business plan for a technical focused SME (2h);
- Development of Personal Business plans of student teams based on best practice examples on technology transfer options for AM products and services (6h);
Day 7: |
- Invited lecture on smart sensors and IoT in industry environments (2h);
- Presentations of students developed projects and awarding ceremony: projects will be presented orally by each team using a PowerPoint presentation (or Prezi), two handouts of the printed version of the project and the 3D printed prototype of the product (5h);
- Conclusions, future development and participants feedback (1h).
Students will be allowed to take home all 3D printed products and the printed versions of their projects.
The intellectual outputs covered by this activity are O2, O3, O4 and O7.
Adjustments to this schedule will be made in accordance with the format of the Output materials and the availability of the people involved.
The final Agenda of the summer school will be finalised and made available to the participants at least 5 days before the start of the event.